August 4th 2024: Make your plan for today based upon what makes you happy.

August 4th 2024: Make your plan for today based upon what makes you happy.

Sat Nam,

Welcome to today’s energetic weather report through the lens of Akara Numerology. Just like checking the weather forecast to prepare for the day, understanding the energies of today can help you navigate with more consciousness and ease. This awareness is the first step towards greater happiness and fulfillment. Let's look at today.

Listen to Sat Kirtan's video message for today

Our numbers for today: Soul 4, Mastery 8, Gift 6, Knowledge 8, Path 2.

What can we expect looking at these 5 basic numbers in combination with each other. As that's what we do in the Akara Numerology, connecting the dots to find meaning and guidance.

Sat Nam!

August 4th, 2024, imagine you're at a grand festival, bustling with excitement, laughter, and endless activities. You want to experience everything, but there's just too much to do in one day. This is where the energy of the day guides you. It's about finding your own rhythm and creating a plan that suits you best.

Today, think of the festival as your day. Instead of trying to do everything, focus on what truly brings you joy and energy. This way, you won't feel overwhelmed or drained. By choosing a few meaningful activities, you will feel more fulfilled and less anxious about missing out.

For example, if you're at a festival, look at the schedule and pick the events that resonate with you the most. Spend your time fully enjoying those moments, rather than rushing from one thing to another. This way, you'll savour each experience and create lasting memories.

Affirmation for Today

"I focus on what truly matters and find joy in each moment."

Tips to Navigate the Day

  1. Create a Plan: Decide on a few key activities or tasks that you want to focus on. This helps prevent feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Embrace Your Rhythm: Move at your own pace and don’t feel pressured to keep up with others. Enjoy the journey.
  3. Let Go of FOMO: Trust that you are exactly where you need to be. What you do today is enough.

Mantra for Today: Guru Ram Das Guru

Meaning: This mantra calls upon Guru Ram Das, known for his humility, healing, and spiritual guidance. It helps to open the heart, promote deep healing, and create a connection with the divine.

Effect: Chanting "Guru Ram Das Guru" brings about a sense of peace, compassion, and self-love. It aligns you with healing energies and the humility to serve others with an open heart.

Reflection Question

What activities or moments today will bring me the most joy and fulfilment?

Quote of the Day

"Focus on what truly matters and find joy in each moment."

Final Thought

As you move through today, remember that it's not about doing everything, but about doing what makes your heart sing. By focusing on the activities that matter most to you, you'll find a deeper sense of satisfaction and joy.

Blessings, Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa

If you find today’s forecast inspiring and would like to dive deeper into understanding your unique path, consider applying for your personal blueprint analysis. It’s a wonderful tool to gain deeper insights into your own journey. You can apply for free at

Replay is still available: Missed our recent workshop on what August will bring? No worries! You can still catch the replay. Discover the energies of August and how to align with them. For just 11 euros, you can access the unlimited replay. REPLAY Monthly Akara Numerology Workshop: What will August bring us? (

NEW: Subscription Service: We now offer paid subscriptions for just 11 euro a month to receive the daily forecast in your inbox in Dutch, French, Spanish, or German. Follow this link to subscribe and start receiving the forecast in your personal inbox.  





Get a copy of the book Akara Numerology

This book, written by master Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa will help you understand the healing and diagnostic science of Akara Numerology. Perfect for self study, teaching you how to calculate your numbers and so much more.

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One-Minute Breath Practice: Practicing and mastering the one-minute breath will help you to calm down anxiety and worry, and help you drop fears while developing your intuition. For guided practice, follow this link, and join the mini course Mastering the One Minute Breath:

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