Daily forecast based upon the Akara Numerology by Sat Kirtan for December 20th 2023

Daily forecast based upon the Akara Numerology by Sat Kirtan for December 20th 2023

🌟 Elevate Your Day with Harmony and Creativity

Discover How to Navigate Your Day with Akara Numerology Insights

On December 20th, 2023, the cosmic alignment brings a potent 2 on the soul, amplifying the longing for belonging. Embrace self-love and remember, you are cherished. Take a moment to look in the mirror and affirm, "I love you."

Watch Sat Kirtan’s video message here:


💡 Mastering Joyful Living - 3

The mastery number, 3, resonates with the good shepherd archetype. Nurture yourself, prioritize health, and find joy in challenging situations. Surround yourself with joy, consciously make it light, and embrace positive thinking. The 3 is connected to food and digestion—savor your meals and stay hydrated.

🎁 Gift of Body and Earthly Connection - 5

The gift number, 5, emphasizes treating your body as a precious gift. Connect with Mother Earth, practice conscious living, and speak your truth. The throat chakra is awakened—be a teacher through your actions.

🧠 Intelligent Contemplation - 7

The knowledge number, 7, linked to your aura, encourages intelligent contemplation. Beware of overthinking; enjoy alone time and rejuvenate with water-related activities like a shower or bath.

🛤️ Path of Positive Mind - 3

The path number, another 3, emphasizes finding joy in all you do and in the company of those around you. Laughter, a feel-good movie, or a nice dinner can be transformative.

🌈 Day Navigation Tips:

1. Connect to your creativity.
2. Enjoy a good meal with family or friends.
3. Mantra for today: "I love my body, my body is a beautiful creation, a creation of God."
4. Strengthen your core through exercises.

🤔 Reflection Question:

How can you infuse creativity into your day and express love and gratitude for your body?

🔗 Call to Action:

Order your personal reading for deeper insights: https://academyofakaranumerology.com/products/akara-numerology-personal-blueprint-analysis

🌟 Summary:
Embrace self-love and creativity on December 20th. Nurture yourself, connect with Earth, and practice positive thinking. Strengthen your core and share joy with family or friends. Order your personal reading for a more profound understanding.

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