June 19th 2024: Feel protected and radiate positivity, so you can release all burdens and step into your power with courage and joy
Sat Nam, today's energy is dominated by the number 6, guiding us towards protection, projection, and visualization. We derive a 10 from the 19th, which represents our soul number. Our mastery, gift, and path numbers are all 6, while our knowledge number is 8. The 6 energy emphasizes our arkline, protecting and projecting our true essence.
3 Tips to Navigate the Day:
Meditate and Visualize: Focus on your third eye point, become silent, and visualize the future you desire. This practice not only aligns your energy but also sets the foundation for manifesting your goals. Envision yourself surrounded by light, feeling protected and guided.
Release Heaviness: Engage in physical exercises to lift your shoulders up and down, dropping all heaviness, pain, and frustration with each movement. Breathe deeply and let go of any burdens, allowing yourself to feel lighter and more courageous.
Be a Lighthouse: Embrace the mantra of the day, "Aad Guray Nameh." This mantra is for protection and projection, and it translates to "I bow to the Primal Wisdom, I bow to the Wisdom through the Ages, I bow to the True Wisdom, I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom." Chanting this mantra surrounds you with protective energy, aligning you with your highest self and bringing clarity and strength. Visualize light surrounding you from all directions, offering protection and guidance. By embodying this light, you can inspire and uplift others, bringing joy and ease into their lives.
Mantra for the Day:
"Aad Guray Nameh" for protection and projection.
"Today, I am protected by light and radiate positivity. I release all burdens and step into my power with courage and joy."
Take a moment to reflect on these insights and visualize your bright future. For personalized guidance, consider ordering a Personal Year Plan to align your path with clarity and confidence.
Next Step: Visit academyofakaranumerology.com to order your Personal Year Plan.
Get your personalized numerology guidance with a Personal Year Reading
What Do You Get When You Book a Personal Year Reading?
- Insight into your supporting number and your year number
- Practical exercises and tips on how to strengthen your year numbers
- An overview of special days for each month
- Your personal affirmation based upon your date of birth
- A 90-minute consultation with Sat Kirtan
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