June 5th 2024, communite your truth
Sat Nam 🌟
Today, June 5th, 2024, is all about expressing your truth. Here’s are 5 tips to go smoothly through the day:
1) Speak Your Truth: Communication is key today. Use your voice to express your genuine feelings and thoughts.
2) Stay Honest: Honesty is vital. Trust your intuition and be honest with yourself and others.
3) Take Care of Your Body: A strong body supports a clear mind and open communication. Nourish yourself to feel your best.
4) Focus and Flow: Today's energy supports sharp focus. Get things done with intention and allow inspiration to guide you.
5) Express freely, stay true to yourself, and embrace the flow of the day. 🌺
Have a beautiful and blessed day!
Sat Nam.
Click here for the detailed forecast for June in English by Nam Hari: https://academyofakaranumerology.com/blogs/numerology/june-2024-by-nam-hari-kaur-khalsa
The video message by Sat Kirtan focussing on how you can use the energy of this month for yourself and in your business, you’ll find it here: https://academyofakaranumerology.com/blogs/daily-forecasts/june-2024-akara-numerology-forecast-create-safe-spaces-and-embrace-transformative-change.
Curious about your own numbers? Request your free Personal BluePrint here: https://blueprint.akaranumerology.com/
Want to learn more? Buy the Akara Numerology e-book for just 11 euros: academyofakaranumerology.com/products/e-book-akara-numerology-by-nam-hari-kaur-khalsa
For the Dutch speaking followers who want to learn more about this Akara Numerology, join the training that starts on July 5th. It will be in Dutch. https://academyofakaranumerology.com/products/ontdek-de-magie-van-akara-numerologie
An English version of this training will follow as well. Please do sent me a message when you're interested.
Watch the full video message here: https://youtu.be/2jDw23e9ocA
#numerologyforecast #CherishTheJourney #SelfCare #Patience #AkaraNumerology #StayCentered