May 26th 2024, use your manifesting power and become the master of your breath
Happy to share the Akara Numerology with you all.
May 26th reminds us to use our manifesting energy to create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.
There is a lot of power in your words today, so make sure they are not making your road to rough.
Be clear in your communication, be clear in your needs and watch your breath.
I suggest you start practicing the one-minute breath, to master your breath and to experience the benefits from it.
If you like to receive the instruction video for the one minute breath, fill in this form and you’ll receive it right away.
Have a blessed day
Curious about your own numbers? Request your free Personal BluePrint here: https://blueprint.akaranumerology.com/
Want to learn more? Buy the Akara Numerology e-book for just 11 euros: https://academyofakaranumerology.com/products/e-book-akara-numerology-by-nam-hari-kaur-khalsa
May 26th reminds us to use our manifesting energy to create a brighter future for ourselves and those around us.
There is a lot of power in your words today, so make sure they are not making your road to rough.
Be clear in your communication, be clear in your needs and watch your breath.
I suggest you start practicing the one-minute breath, to master your breath and to experience the benefits from it.
If you like to receive the instruction video for the one minute breath, fill in this form and you’ll receive it right away.
Have a blessed day
Curious about your own numbers? Request your free Personal BluePrint here: https://blueprint.akaranumerology.com/
Want to learn more? Buy the Akara Numerology e-book for just 11 euros: https://academyofakaranumerology.com/products/e-book-akara-numerology-by-nam-hari-kaur-khalsa