The First Step
The First Step
On the first day of the year, a boy named Kian stood at the edge of a vast frozen lake. He had heard stories that the other side held a forest filled with golden trees, each leaf carrying the wisdom needed to grow into your fullest self.
But the lake was wide, its surface uncertain. Kian’s heart raced as he stared at his own reflection in the ice. “What if I fall? What if I fail?” he whispered.
An old woman passing by stopped and smiled. “The ice may crack, the wind may howl, but the first step is yours to take. The journey doesn’t ask for certainty, only trust.”
Kian hesitated but then took a breath and stepped onto the ice. The surface creaked, yet it held him. With each step, his courage grew, and the distant golden trees seemed closer.
By the time the sun set, Kian reached the forest’s edge. He looked back and saw his footprints stretching across the lake, each one a mark of trust, a symbol of his beginning.
What first step will you take this January? What fear can you set aside to begin your journey? Trust that each step will strengthen your path forward.
If you’re seeking guidance for your first steps into the new year, an Akara Numerology reading can illuminate the energies guiding you. Together, we’ll explore how to trust your path and take steps toward the golden forest waiting for you.
The journey begins with you. Let’s take that step together.
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