July 17th 2024: Say to yourself: "My body is strong and happy today!"
Sat Nam,
Welcome to today’s energetic weather report through the lens of Akara Numerology. Just like checking the weather forecast to prepare for the day, understanding the energies of today can help you navigate with more consciousness and ease. This awareness is the first step towards greater happiness and fulfillment. Let's look at today.
Listen to Sat Kirtan's video message for today
Our numbers for today: Soul 8, Mastery 7, Gift 6, Knowledge 8, Path 5.
What can we expect looking at these 5 basic numbers in combination with each other. As that's what we do in the Akara Numerology, connecting the dots to find meaning and guidance.
Today’s energy is profoundly influenced by the number 8, coming from the 17, as our Soul number, highlighting a sense of luck and abundance. Start your day by embracing gratitude for the simple joys in life, such as your breath and the sunlight. This practice sets a positive tone and attracts more blessings.
The number 7, present as our Mastery number, invites you to manage your thoughts and emotions. If you feel overwhelmed or there's too much going on inside, take a moment to cleanse your mind. Drink a glass of water, take a refreshing shower, or meditate. These actions help clear out any negative or cluttered thoughts, allowing you to regain mental clarity and focus.
Our Gift number 6 emphasizes the importance of intuition and honesty. Throughout the day, listen to your gut feelings. If you face a decision, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and tune into what your intuition is telling you. Be truthful with yourself and others, and align your actions with your words. This practice not only conserves your energy but also builds trust and respect in your relationships.
In the Knowledge position, we have the number 8, which brings a lot of energy. Direct this abundant energy towards activities and goals that energize and fulfill you. If something drains you, reconsider its importance in your life. By channeling your energy into positive pursuits, you will feel more empowered and in control.
Today’s Path number is 5, which emphasizes the importance of balance and caring for your physical body. Ensure you nourish yourself with proper nutrition, exercise, and relaxation. Five represents freedom and flexibility, so embrace a balanced approach to life and be open to adapting to new situations. Take time to ground yourself, perhaps by spending time in nature or engaging in activities like gardening.
Tips to navigate the day
Tip: Start your day by acknowledging the things you are grateful for.
- How: Focus on simple joys like your breath, the sunlight, or a positive interaction. This practice attracts more blessings into your life.
Tip: Manage feelings of overwhelm by cleansing your mind.
- How: Drink water, take a refreshing shower, or meditate. These actions help clear negative or cluttered thoughts and regain mental clarity.
Tip: Listen to your gut feelings throughout the day.
- How: When faced with a decision, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and tune into your intuition. Acting on these insights will guide you on the right path.
- Tip: Maintain a balanced approach to health and well-being.
- How: Nourish yourself with proper nutrition, exercise, and relaxation. Engage in grounding activities like gardening or spending time in nature.
By incorporating these tips into your day, you can navigate July 17th with clarity and ease, embracing the transformative energies of luck, deep introspection, intuition, energy management, and physical balance guiding this day.
Mantra for the day: Aap Sahaaee Hoaa
"Aap Sahaaee Hoaa" is a powerful shabad from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, composed by Guru Arjan Dev Ji, the fifth Guru of the Sikhs.
This mantra is known for its ability to block animosity, bring protection, and invite prosperity into one's life. It promotes mental balance and self-control, helping to overcome obstacles and achieve success.
Chanting this mantra with devotion and sincerity can provide clarity of mind, enhance focus, and align one with divine energy, fostering a sense of security and abundance.
Play it all day in your home or office and feel the shift in energy.
We'll listen to it while practicing this week the exercises for the 5th body in the daily sadhana. You're invited to join, live or through the replay.
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Get a copy of the book Akara Numerology
This book, written by master Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa will help you understand the healing and diagnostic science of Akara Numerology. Perfect for self study, teaching you how to calculate your numbers and so much more.
Get yours in English or pre-order the Dutch version of the book.
Invitation: If you’re intrigued by these insights and want to understand your personal numerology, visit our website for a Personal Blueprint Analysis. Personal Blueprint Analysis can help you align with the cycles of your life, making decisions with ease and flow. https://blueprint.akaranumerology.com/
One-Minute Breath Practice: Practicing and mastering the one-minute breath will help you to calm down anxiety and worry, and help you drop fears while developing your intuition. For guided practice, follow this link, and join the mini course Mastering the One Minute Breath: https://www.learnfromayogi.com/pages/mastering-the-one-minute-breath-master-your-mind
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