Ritual 2: Breathe into Self-Love: A Heart-Opening Practice

Ritual 2: Breathe into Self-Love: A Heart-Opening Practice

Heart-Opening Breathwork for Self-Compassion

The heart carries so much—love, pain, hope, and fear. Breathwork is a gentle yet profound way to connect to your heart’s center and invite self-compassion.

Practice this simple heart-opening breathwork:

  1. Sit comfortably and place your hands over your heart.
  2. Inhale deeply through the nose for a count of 9, feeling your heart expand.
  3. Exhale slowly through the mouth, releasing tension.
  4. Repeat for 9 cycles, visualizing warmth filling your chest.
  5. End with the affirmation: “My heart is open, and I welcome love into my life.”

Allow this practice to soften your heart and deepen your self-love.

Sat Nam.


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