The month of September is a breakthrough month, a time of new beginnings and a fresh start.
It’s been quite a summer, filled with big changes and upheaval, and now is the time to steady the course and move forward again. The winds of fortune have shifted, granting us a level of real energetic currency to work with, so let’s leverage it to our best advantage.
Themes of Number 9
Number 9 represents the themes of:
- Mastery
- Completion
- Precision
- The Subtle Body
- The ability to tune into messages just behind the veil
When in the positive polarity, number 9 has the ability to read between the lines, picking up on unspoken as well as spoken communication. The subtle indicators often reveal someone’s true intentions, not just the words they speak.
We need to develop within ourselves the ability to sense the true intentions of others without being distracted by a slick delivery or surface-level appearances.
Developing Intuition
We all have some degree of intuitive insight. The number 9 calls us to develop this insight into a laser beam of clarity. This becomes your secret weapon against being taken advantage of or misled.
Good Dates in September
There’s a pocket full of good days this month:
2nd, 3rd, 11th, 12th, 20th, 21st, 29th, and 30th.
The 11th is a particularly good date for marriage. These days are charged with creativity and connectivity, fostering success and good fortune. Dial in something new on one of these dates!
The Feminine Energy of Number 9
Number 9 represents female energy, and women will feel especially united and motivated to rise up, proclaiming:
“I have sovereignty over my physical body, and I choose what is best for me.”
This will be a unifying force unlike anything we’ve seen in recent times.
Completion and Letting Go
Number 9 also represents completion and letting go of that which no longer serves our higher interests. This might be:
- A bad habit
- A self-concept that limits your potential
For example, if you indulge in a big cheese pizza every Friday night as a reward for getting through the week, it might feel satisfying until the next morning when you miss your planned activities due to sluggishness.
Creative alternatives can help. Explore healthier options, such as:
- Almond flour crust pizzas from your local health food market
- Cheese alternatives
- Natural, bubbly spritzer sodas without caffeine
This way, you can indulge without sinking your digestive system or energy levels.
Mastery Over Mystery
Nine is the number of “Mastery over Mystery.”
When consciously connected with your Subtle Body, you gain an edge over what may be brewing at the perimeter. Nearly everyone has had the experience of:
“Whoa, I didn’t see that coming!”
Having gentle awareness of yourself and your environment allows you to stay ahead of surprises, both positive and challenging.
The Three Sisters: Smooth, Subtle, Sophisticated
The number 9 embodies The Three Sisters:
- Smooth
- Subtle
- Sophisticated
Carrying yourself with subtlety and sophistication creates a smoothness in your interactions with others. This can ease communication and reduce emotional tension, contributing to a greater sense of harmony.
Clearing Clutter
September is an excellent time to evaluate what is and isn’t working in your life.
Sometimes, clutter—whether physical, mental, or emotional—blocks the flow of new, bold, and brilliant opportunities.
Ask yourself:
“Where is the clutter, and what is hindering the flow of new energy in my life?”
Clearing out negative relationship dynamics or outdated patterns can create the space needed for something new and transformative.
Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body
Would you like to immunize yourself against making the same bad decisions again and again?
The “Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body” strengthens both the Subtle Body and the Arc Line, giving you the ability to receive intuitive messages from the collective psyche.
Link: Kriya to Clarify the Subtle Body
This powerful kriya is a game-changer for your well-being and prosperity.
Shifting Mindsets
Many years ago, I came across a quote:
“If you do what you always do, you’ll get what you always get.”
This inspired me to make small, incremental shifts in my life, leading to profound changes. We must let go of outdated patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us.
2024 and the Power of Number 8
We are in a number 8 year, which focuses on:
- Power
- Health
- Healing
Releasing grief is an essential part of this process. Grief, connected to the lungs, can weigh heavily on us. Reset, regroup, and regenerate to leave the ghosts of the past behind.
Closing Thoughts
May the guiding star of your good fortune shine an invincible light on the path before you, and may your intuition hold you dearly to this precious path.
You are worthy of the victory.
Would You Like to Know More?
Nam Hari offers:
- Personal Readings via phone or Skype to uncover the magic and potential in your birth numbers.
- Relationship Insights for deeper understanding and real solutions.
- Numerology Courses for independent study.
Contact: Nam Hari at 575-305-0017 or