Akara Numerolgy training: Unlock the Power of Akara Numerology and Transform Lives


Imagine a world where you have the power to transform lives and guide others towards their true potential. As a coach or counsellor, you already have a deep understanding of human behaviour and the desire to make a positive impact. Now, imagine adding a powerful tool to your toolkit that will amplify your ability to create meaningful change. Akara Numerology is the missing piece that will take your coaching and counselling skills to the next level.

“This numerology is the future of all counselling. It is the oldest system known to humanity, the most sacred and the most accurate. You can learn to change people’s destiny.” Yogi Bhajan

With Akara Numerology, you will gain a profound understanding of the intricate connections between numbers and human experiences. Imagine being able to unlock the secrets of someone's life path, personality traits, and underlying challenges simply by analysing their unique numerical code. This ancient numerological system holds the key to unravelling the mysteries of the human psyche and empowering individuals to live their most authentic lives.

Picture yourself sitting with a client, armed with the knowledge of their numerological blueprint. As you delve into their strengths, weaknesses, and life lessons, you witness a profound transformation unfold before your eyes. With the insights provided by Akara Numerology, you can offer tailored guidance, helping your clients navigate life's challenges and make empowered decisions.

As you integrate Akara Numerology into your coaching and counselling practice, you become a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery. Your ability to understand the deeper layers of your clients' experiences elevates the impact of your work and fosters profound transformations. By incorporating this ancient wisdom into your tool kit, you will stand out as a trusted and influential guide in their journey towards self-realisation.

Allow us to introduce your expert guides on this transformative journey: 

Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa and Sat Kirtan.

Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa is a highly experienced teacher and master in Akara Numerology. With years of dedicated study and practice, she has honed her expertise in this ancient numerological system. Through her deep understanding and intuitive insights, Nam Hari has helped countless individuals unlock their true potential and live more fulfilling lives. Her passion for sharing the transformative power of Akara Numerology shines through her teachings, making her a trusted and revered mentor in the field.

Sat Kirtan is a seasoned practitioner of Kundalini Yoga and meditation. With her profound knowledge and expertise, Sat Kirtan adds a unique dimension to the Akara Numerology Introduction Course. Through her guidance, participants will experience the powerful synergy between yogic practices and numerology. Sat Kirtan's calming presence and compassionate approach create a supportive and nurturing environment for personal growth and transformation.

Together, Nam Hari and Sat Kirtan form an exceptional team dedicated to helping you unlock the profound insights and practical applications of Akara Numerology. With their combined wisdom and expertise, they will guide you through this 11-week certification Introduction into Akara Numerology course, providing the knowledge, tools, and support you need to integrate Akara Numerology into your coaching and counselling practice successfully.

The Akara Numerology Introduction Course

A transformative journey that will empower you to unlock the profound wisdom of Akara Numerology and integrate it into your coaching and counselling practice.

With a carefully curated curriculum spanning 11 weeks, this comprehensive certification course delves deep into the diagnostic and healing aspects of Akara Numerology. This program offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and practical application.

During this course, you will learn how to harness the power of Akara Numerology to gain valuable insights into yourself, your relationships, and the life journeys of your clients. Through in-depth training, interactive exercises, and practical examples, you will develop the skills necessary to apply numerological analysis in various practical situations.

This program is specifically designed for coaches and counsellors who are committed to enhancing their tool kit and expanding their impact. Whether you work with individuals seeking personal growth, couples navigating relationship challenges, or professionals in need of career guidance, Akara Numerology will become a powerful addition to your practice.

By the end of the Akara Numerology Introduction Course, you will possess a deep understanding of this ancient system and its practical applications. You will be equipped with the tools and knowledge to deliver personalised guidance and solutions, enabling you to create profound transformations for yourself and your clients.

Overview of What Participants Will Learn

In this immersive 11-week certification course, you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and mastery. By the end of the program, you will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of Akara Numerology and its practical applications
  • Develop the skills to provide personalised guidance and solutions using numerological analysis
  • Unlock valuable insights into yourself, your relationships, and your life's journey
  • Discover how to navigate career choices, enhance relationships, and overcome recurring patterns
  • Cultivate a higher frequency to reprogram yourself and transcend limitations

In this comprehensive 11-week certification course, you will receive:

  • Interactive online classes with Nam Hari Kaur Khalsa and Sat Kirtan
  • Access to a private community for ongoing support and networking
  • Comprehensive course materials and resources
  • Two separate numerology consultations (45 minutes each) with friends/family members/colleagues
  • Personalised numerology report submission
  • Hands-on experience in applying numerological analysis in practical situations
  • Replay access to all class recordings for your convenience
  • Guidance on yogic techniques and lifestyle practices for balancing energy fields
  • Final exam preparation and feedback sessions
  • Certification upon successfully passing the final exam

Plus, be prepared for special surprises and bonus resources along the way!

As a special treat for joining our program, we have some amazing bonuses lined up just for you. We believe in adding extra value and ensuring you have everything you need to thrive in your numerology journey. 

Roadmap to Becoming a Kundalini Numerology Consultant:

Stage 1: Foundation and Core Concepts

  • Class 1: Introduction of the Course
  • Introduction to the Akara Numerology formula & the concept of the 10 bodies
  • Setting up the date of birth in the basic formula
  • Learning objectives
  • Course structure and expectations
  • Class 2: The Soul and Mastery Number
  • Understanding the soul calculation and exploring soul numbers 1-11
  • Exploring the Mastery Number and its significance in relationships
  • Understanding ourselves through the Mastery 1-11
  • Evolving into the spiritual dimension of the Mastery Number
  • Class 3: The Gift, Knowledge, and Path Number
  • Understanding the Gift, Knowledge, and Path Numbers
  • Utilising the gift number effectively
  • Acknowledging the knowledge number
  • Calculating and understanding the path number and life's journey

Stage 2: Advanced Numerological Analysis  

Class 4: The Challenge Calculation and Significant Numbers

  • Understanding ongoing learning challenges in life
  • Calculating and understanding transformer numbers
  • Exploring the significance of the transformer numbers
  • Understanding the role of zero as a transformer number
  • Class 5: The Asset and Heart Calculation
  • Understanding the asset calculation
  • Unders tanding the heart calculation
  • Class 6: Healing through the Numbers
  • Yogic lifestyle suggestions
  • Balancing the numbers
  • Recommended kriyas and meditations
  • Food and lifestyle suggestions for healing

Stage 3: Application and Consultation Skills 

Class 7: Communication through the Numbers

  • Effective communication through soul, mastery, and challenge numbers
  • Recognizing the best communication style through a numerology chart
  • Do's and don'ts for specific calculations to enhance communication
  • Class 8: Dealing with Difficult Charts and Clients
  • Working with clients with extreme challenges in their charts
  • Best practices for dealing with difficult people
  • Setting personal boundaries and maintaining professionalism
  • Building a positive reputation as a professional numerologist
  • Class 9: Interactive Calling: You Figure Out the Date of Birth
  • Live interactive discussion with the teacher, analysing a given birth date
  • Class 10: Tips and Techniques During Your Consultation
  • Practical tips for consultations
  • Tuning into the person and communicating from the soul number
  • Explaining the mastery number in relation to others
  • Exploring the gift number, knowledge number, and addressing personal challenges
  • Providing insights into the soul, path, and projection numbers
  • Personal excellence and counselling in the Aquarian Age
  • Applying numerology to one's own life
  • Class 11: Final Exam Preparation
  • Approaching the final exam
  • Question and answer session
  • Summary of the course
  • Feedback and further studies recommendations

By following this roadmap and completing the 11 classes, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of Kundalini Numerology and develop the skills necessary to become a proficient consultant in this transformative field.

Here are some of the bonuses you'll receive:

  • Bonus 1: Exclusive access to our private community, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and receive ongoing support and inspiration.
  • Bonus 2: Monthly surprise gifts to enhance your learning experience and keep you motivated throughout the program.
  • Bonus 3: Complimentary e-books and resources to deepen your understanding of numerology and its applications.
  • Bonus 4: Access to additional breakout sessions and workshops to further expand your knowledge and skills.
  • Bonus 5: Exclusive discounts on future advanced courses and events hosted by Nam Hari and Sat Kirtan.

We are committed to providing you with an extraordinary learning experience, and these bonuses are just a small part of our dedication to your success

Don't just take our word for it. Here's what some of our previous participants have to say about the Akara Numerology Introduction Course:

"I was blown away by the depth of knowledge and practical application of Akara Numerology taught by Nam Hari and Sat Kirtan. This course has transformed the way I approach coaching and counselling, and my clients have experienced profound breakthroughs as a result." - Jessica, Life Coach

"The Akara Numerology Introduction Course was an eye-opening experience. Nam Hari's expertise and Sat Kirtan's guidance created a powerful learning environment. I gained valuable insights into myself and others, and I now feel equipped to use numerology as a transformative tool in my practice." - David, Therapist

"Nam Hari and Sat Kirtan are true masters in the field of numerology. Their teachings are insightful, practical, and delivered with genuine care and compassion. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to expand their knowledge and enhance their coaching skills." - Sarah, Counselor

These testimonials are just a glimpse of the profound impact our course has had on individuals like you. Join us and experience the transformative power of Akara Numerology for yourself. Your success story could be the next one we share!

Now that we have provided you with all the details of the Akara Numerology Introduction Course, it's time to discuss the investment required to join this transformative program.

The investment for the 11-week certification course is 1.650 euro. We understand that this is a significant commitment, and to make it more accessible, we offer flexible payment options to suit your needs. You can choose to pay in full at the regular price of €1,650, or take advantage of our limited-time offer and enrol for the discounted price of €1,200. We believe in providing flexibility and options to accommodate different financial situations.

[Insert Payment Button]

To secure your spot in the course, simply click on the link below and you will be redirected to our secure online payment system. Once your payment is processed, you will receive instant access to all course materials and resources.

To make the course even more accessible, we also offer flexible payment plans. If the investment is a concern, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, and we're here to discuss alternative options that can work for you. Your journey towards becoming a Kundalini Numerology Consultant is important to us, and we're committed to finding a solution that suits your needs. Contact our team today to explore payment plan options or discuss any other concerns you may have.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your coaching and counselling skills with the power of Akara Numerology. Invest in your personal and professional growth today and join us on this transformative journey.

We want to make a bold promise to you because we truly believe in the transformative power of the Akara Numerology Introduction Course. We are confident that this program will exceed your expectations and bring significant value to your life and coaching practice.

We promise that by fully committing to this program, immersing yourself in the teachings, and applying the principles and techniques we share, you will experience remarkable personal and professional growth. We guarantee that you will gain profound insights, expand your coaching and counselling skills, and unlock new levels of success.

In fact, we are so confident in the effectiveness of this course that we offer an unparalleled guarantee. If, after completing the program, you feel that it hasn't delivered the promised results and surpassed your expectations, simply contact us within 90 days, and we will work with you to find a solution that satisfies you.

We stand behind the quality and impact of our program, and we are committed to your success. Take this opportunity to transform your coaching practice, elevate your ability to guide and empower others, and experience the powerful benefits of Applied Akara Numerology.

Enrol in the Akara Numerology Introduction Course today and experience the profound changes that await you. 

Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are ready to support you every step of the way.

Addressing Your Concerns

We understand that you may still have questions or concerns. We want to assure you that we've taken the time to consider the common challenges coaches face and have designed the Akara Numerology Introduction Course to provide solutions.

Challenge 1: Feeling limited in offering personalised guidance. Our course equips you with the tools and knowledge to utilise Akara Numerology as a powerful diagnostic and healing system. You'll gain the expertise to provide tailored guidance that resonates deeply with your clients, leading to transformative results.

Challenge 2: Navigating complex relationship dynamics. With Akara Numerology, you'll gain insights to assess compatibility levels between individuals based on their numerical qualities. This knowledge empowers you to guide your clients through challenging relationship issues and foster deeper understanding and connection.

Challenge 3: Overcoming recurring patterns and obstacles. Through the combination of yogic techniques, personalised meditations, and numerological analysis, you'll learn how to help your clients overcome obstacles, balance their energy fields, and create positive shifts in their lives.

We've carefully designed the Akara Numerology Introduction Course to address these specific challenges faced by coaches like you. By enrolling in our comprehensive program, you'll expand your coaching toolkit and enhance your ability to support and transform the lives of your clients.

Answering Your Questions

We understand that you may have some questions or concerns about the Akara Numerology Introduction Course. We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to address any doubts or uncertainties you may have. Take a look below:

Q1: How much time do I need to dedicate to the course? A: The course is designed to be flexible and accommodate different schedules. Each week, you'll have access to new materials and lessons which you can engage with at your own pace. We recommend setting aside a few hours per week to fully immerse yourself in the program.

Q2: Will I receive any support during the course? A: Absolutely! We're committed to your success and offer ongoing support throughout the 11-week program. You'll have access to a dedicated community where you can connect with fellow participants and receive guidance from our experienced instructors.

Q3: What if I'm not familiar with numerology? A: No worries! The Akara Numerology Introduction Course is designed for beginners and no prior knowledge of numerology is required. Our comprehensive training will take you through the fundamentals and gradually build your understanding and proficiency in this ancient system.

Q4: Can I still join if I'm not a coach or therapist? A: Of course! While the course is specifically tailored for coaches and therapists looking to expand their tool kit, anyone with an interest in Akara Numerology and personal growth is welcome to join. The knowledge and insights gained from this program can be applied to various areas of life.

Q5: How much does the course cost?

The investment for the Akara Numerology Introduction Course is €1,200. We currently have a special offer where you can join for just €1,200 instead of the regular price of €1,650. We also offer flexible payment plans to make it more accessible for you. Please visit our registration page for more details.

We hope these answers address any concerns you may have had. If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our team. We're here to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision

Take Action and Enrol Now!

Congratulations on reaching the end of our sales page for the Akara Numerology Introduction Course. We appreciate your time and consideration throughout this journey. Now, it's time to take the final step towards transforming your life and expanding your knowledge.

If you're ready to unlock the power of Akara Numerology and embark on this transformative journey, we invite you to enrol in the course today. By joining our program, you'll gain valuable insights, practical tools, and the guidance of experienced instructors.

We're here to support you every step of the way, and we're confident that this course will bring immense value to your personal and professional life. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive deep into the world of Akara Numerology.

[Enroll Now!]

Click the button below to enrol now and secure your spot in the Akara Numerology Introduction Course. Remember, spaces are limited, so act quickly to reserve your place. We look forward to welcoming you and guiding you on this extraordinary path of self-discovery and growth.