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Relax & Renew Ayurveda Retreat in Sri Lanka 21 Oct - 4th Nov

Relax & Renew Ayurveda Retreat in Sri Lanka 21 Oct - 4th Nov

Regular price €2.222,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €2.222,00 EUR
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Give yourself this!

From Oct 21 - Nov 4

Are you always the one who takes care of everyone? Who is always ready. Who is always on... someone who keeps many balls in the air....

I am such a person...

And that's why I allow myself rest.

I allow myself this warm bath, where for 2 weeks we’re taken care of so immensely well, so that we can stand it again, and make small adjustments.

I see this as the maintenance you can give yourself  every year.

This is my ultimate gift to myself.

October I’ll be going for the 3rd time now and saw so many great results the last time with the group, I am inviting you to join me.

So do you recognise yourself in this and do you suffer from high blood pressure, stress, physical complaints or something else and do you always take care of everyone?

Join me in Sri Lanka and undergo a Pancha Karma treatment.

This is some of what you can expect:

- daily start with kundalini yoga & meditation
- daily 2 hours of Ayurveda treatments
- food tailored to your dosha (body type)
- under the professional guidance of a local Ayurvedic doctor
- hotel situated in nature near the healing ocean
- a nice small international group of conscious people (max 10 persons)
- a 1-1 coaching session with me

If you want to stay longer or come earlier, that is possible for an additional price.

Please contact me about that.

I’ve booked 5 double rooms in an Ayurvedic hotel, the first ones are already taken. So feel a yes, send me a message soon. 

Just imagine, you wake up, do ishnaan in the ocean, then you can join a wonderful group sadhana, because it's nice that other kundalini yogis have already signed up.... 

After the sadhana, which is optional, you rest for a while before going to breakfast, which is tailored to your personal treatment plan.

Then your treatment begins, you get a full body massage with oil, again tailored to your body.

That massage is in preparation for the ayurvedic treatment, which is prepared by traditional and super experienced ayurvedic doctors, all recommended by the doctor who treated me so incredibly well during my stay in 2022.

I came back truly reborn.

After your treatment, you can rest on one of the sun beds by the pool, listening to the local sounds and the ocean.

You have the afternoon free to wander around, visit a temple or town, or enjoy reading a book.

Then, after watching the sun sink into the sea, it's time for dinner and evening meditation.

You can join us. Especially all woman, give yourself this gift.

Just book your flight and arrange your visum (very easy online), your room and you're set ;-) 

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