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1-1 Consultation with Sat Kirtan

1-1 Consultation with Sat Kirtan

Regular price €27,00 EUR
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Book Your One-on-One Consultation Today

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As a Conscious Leadership Coach, Sat Kirtan Kaur Khalsa brings over a decade of expertise in Akara Numerology to guide you. With the dynamic energy of her double 3’s, she offers insightful solutions to any situation. Her uplifting presence, powered by the 7, combined with the practical approach of the 4, ensures that you’ll leave with a clear, actionable plan tailored specifically for you.

Consultation Options:

  1. "Insight Express" – 15-Minute Speed Session

    Dive quickly and powerfully into your Akara Numerology profile. This focused session provides immediate clarity on a pressing question or situation. Ideal for when you need swift confirmation or a burst of insight to guide your next steps.

  2. "Clarity Snapshot" – 30-Minute Session

    Gain a more detailed understanding of your Akara Numerology chart. This session focuses on key aspects of your life or a specific challenge you’re facing, offering reassurance and direction in a concise format.

  3. "Deep Alignment" – 45-Minute Session

    Explore your Akara Numerology profile more comprehensively, delving into your personal energies and life patterns. This session helps you align with your true self, confirming what you already know and feel is right for you.

  4. "Soul Path Unveiling" – 60-Minute Session

    Uncover the intricate layers of your Akara Numerology profile over an hour-long session. We’ll explore your life’s purpose, challenges, and strengths in detail, offering profound insights and guiding you toward a more fulfilling path.

  5. "Transformational Journey" – 90-Minute Session

    Embark on a deep, transformative exploration of your Akara Numerology profile. This session offers a comprehensive understanding of your life’s blueprint, providing clarity and confirming your inner wisdom to support impactful life decisions. Perfect for those committed to a profound and lasting transformation.

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